Looking Back On the Words

The last couple of days I've been reading through my blog posts from last years 365 project and I came across a post that got me thinking and tugged at my heart. It doesn't even seem possible that I wrote these words over a year ago.


In my reading this morning, I came across some really awesome verses that have made me think about my relationship with the Lord. "Why are you like a stranger in the land, like a traveler who stays only one night? Why are you like a man taken by surprise, like a warrior powerless to save?" -Psalm 77:16-17. I've realized those questions are often asked by me and I only have the blame to take. It is me who causes the distance in this relationship. I am the one who doesn't call on the Lord and include Him in my every thought and decision of my life. This is the very God who by his sight causes the waters to writhe, the very depths to convulse, the clouds to pour down water, the skies to resound with thunder and the God who has promised me a hope and a future. So why do I not give my everything to the one who gave everything to me? The one who created me and performs miracles right in front of my face... the one who loves me to no end? "Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, your lightning lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked. Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen." -Psalm 77:18-19. Why does the world not see his footprints? I believe that there are answers, and they are somewhere out there to be discovered.


I think that writing me thoughts and experiences down every day for a year was one of the coolest things I've done. It doesn't seem like much but I've been taken back a few times reading even little and simple things in my old posts. I recommend to anyone to try it out. It's a pretty cool feeling to read the words and revisit the feelings, emotions and memories that were once so real.